Glasshouse is an illustration of a girl sitting in a greenhouse surrounded by quadruple seasoned flowers accompanied by a short story, Frozen Reverie.
In the heart of a desolate winter, where the world wore its colours in shades of pitiful grey, there sat a girl amidst the crumbling remnants of a glasshouse. Surrounding her were not the vibrant hues of blooming flowers, but rather the bleak emptiness of a world drained of its essence. Yet, in her mind's eye, she was cocooned in an ethereal sanctuary, a realm where peace thrived abundantly.

The glasshouse, once a beacon of life and vitality, now stood as an eggshell, its panes cracked and its structure weathered by the unforgiving winds of disillusionment. Within this hollow sanctuary, the girl sat, her eyes closed in blissful ignorance, as her mind painted a tapestry of vivid hues and sweet scents that danced around her.

Here, the air was thick with the heady aroma of blossoms, and the gentle caress of a warm breeze whispered tales of affection and tenderness. Each petal unfurled like a delicate promise, embracing her with a sense of belonging that eluded her in the barren wasteland outside.
But as the illusion began to fade, reality pierced through the fragile facade, shattering the girl's reverie like fragile glass. She opened her eyes to find herself surrounded not by the lush splendour of her dreams, but by the cold, harsh truth of her existence.

Gone were the vibrant colours and the whispers of love. Instead, she was enveloped by a world where compassion had withered away, and the warmth of human connection had long since been extinguished. The people around her moved like lifeless spectres, their faces devoid of emotion, their hearts encased in ice.

In this bleak landscape, right had become wrong, and wrong had become the norm. Morality was but a distant memory, buried beneath the weight of apathy and indifference. As the girl sat amidst the ruins of her shattered illusions, she couldn't help but wonder if she would ever find her way back to the warmth and beauty she read of in books, or if she was condemned to wander forever in this desolate wilderness.
Creators Note
The funny thing about this piece is that none of it happened simultaneously. As simple as the piece may look, it was significantly more challenging to execute. I thought of the flowers first, post which I made into a patterned background, of course, I drew it out first - I feel like I am growing into drawing and then using it as a template for my digital piece, sometimes it sparks many new ideas. After the background was done I was confused because I liked it, but it was missing something. For days I could not figure out what looked good, I thought of a person and then changed my mind. So, I decided maybe skipping a step may be beneficial. I moved on to trying to write the short story. And I was left completely dumbfounded with the array of possibilities. After a sufferable amount of frustration, I stopped thinking about the piece. I honestly cannot point out what rescued me, a dream, an experience, a muse or any type of influential content. I just started thinking and writing almost everything that came in my mind and this is how the short story came to life. The illustration was a quick fix after that. I put them together and this is what was produced. I do not know how to feel about it - I am glad I was able to complete it - but at the same time I feel like I could have explored a lot more.
Created On: 04.02.2024
Published On: 19.02.2024
Frozen Reverie


Frozen Reverie
